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Chinese translation for "guide and instruct management"


Related Translations:
instructing:  提供指导
instruct:  vt.1.教,教授,教导。2.通知,向…提供事实情况。3.命令,指示。短语和例子instruct sb. in English 教某人英语。 be instructed when to start 得到出发时间的通知。 instruct sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事。adj.-ible
instructed:  adj.1.受教育的。2.被委派的,得到指示的。短语和例子instructed delegates 委派的代表。adv.-ly ,-ness n.
earnestly instruct:  谆谆教导
instructed person:  受过训练的人员
instruct counsel:  委托大律师
instructing movers:  指挥搬运工将物品就位
instructing party:  指示方
separate instructed carry:  外控进位
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